Fiintele umane cele mai fericite nu poseda mare lucru, ele sunt. G. Mallasz

All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.

There was a time when I prayed to Jesus Christ.

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Se afișează postările cu eticheta poluare. Afișați toate postările

luni, 5 iulie 2010

2012: Game over or game on?

"... The whites too shall pass; perhaps sooner than all other tribes. Contaminate your bed and you will one night suffocate in your own waste. But, in your perishing you will shine brightly fired by the strength of the God who brought you to this land and for some special purpose gave you dominion over this land and over the red man. That destiny is a mystery to us." ~Chief Seattle, 1854

"I think that the planet communicates with us empathically and alters our culture to meet its needs. I take intelligence to be a transhuman planetary loop of a highly complex and subtle kind."-Theodore Roszak, author of The Voice of the Earth: An Exploration of Ecopsychology
Prepare for solar storms, climate changes, and a pole shift into an Ice Age: The warnings came from every corner of the globe in the form of mythology not just NASA.

William Gaspar, M.D. in Taos, New Mexico counseled a decade ago, "The Ankh symbolizes the North polar axis shift or the movement of the ‘Tree.' When the Cosmic Tree stands tall and becomes stable, then we can celebrate the renewal of life, the creation of a New World in essence. The [World] Tree itself becomes the tool of the creator to allow renewal of all life forms after the fire, earthquakes, absence of the sun in the sky from volcanic ashes, and the flood subsides."

Of course, we were also warned by the shamans not to clear-cut the canopy forests and vines in the jungles of the Amazon to raise the cattle for cheeseburger corporations. For these green fields were the living lung bronchioles of the earth. Yet we ignored the indigenous wisdom keepers when they counseled that we were spiritually barking up, as well as scientifically stripping down, the wrong tree: The World Tree.

Then the UFOs came to us in 1947 after we sent them mushroom cloud smoke signals that the apes on earth were armed and dangerous, playing passionately but without a license, with the elements of fire gods: nuclear weapons in WWII.

For example, an ethnobotanist, Terence McKenna (1946-2000), issued an expert opinion in what must have been then a legal court document, California UFO, 2:2 (1987), subtitled Oversoul Takes Shape in an Archetypal UFO, to wit:
"The extraterrestrial is the human oversoul. The oversoul is some kind of field generated by human beings but it is not under the control of any institution, government or religion. It is actually the most intelligent organism on the planet, regulating human culture through the release of ideas out of eternity and into the continuum of history. The UFO is an idea whose purpose is to confound science, because science has begun to threaten the existence of the human species and the entire ecosystem of this planet."

Adrian Gilbert added in Signs in the Sky, "The placing of the Ankh, or key of life, into the lock is connected with the movements of the sun and the precession of the equinoxes. For the last 13, 000 years or so, the constellation of Orion and in particular his ‘hand' has been drifting steadily north. Today it is in its most northerly position before it begins to move south again in a rhythmic cycle that takes 26,000 years to complete. As a result the sun now occupies the ‘shake-hands' position over the outstretched hand of Orion exactly at the summer solstice. I see this as indicating that the opening of the stargate with the Ankh will occur around this time."

Of course, psychoanalyst C. G. Jung came to this same conclusion that I did too ultimately: myth is fact and matter is mind. He said as much in Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky: "It is difficult, if not impossible, to form any correct idea of these objects, because they behave not like bodies but like weightless thoughts."

marți, 29 iunie 2010

Dublul standard al multinationalelor: crime ecologice comise de multinationalele occidentale fata de care dezastrul din Golful Mexic pare o gluma

daca pt cazul dezastrului provocat de BP in Golful Mexic, astia au fost obligati de USA sa plateasca despagubiri de 20 miliarde dolari, sunt catastrofe mult mai mari pt care multinationalele petroliere au ramas putin sau deloc pedepsite, pt ca s-au intamplat in tari din lumea a treia:
1. delta Nigerului - compania Shell polueaza anual cu deversare de petrol zona cu intreaga cantitate deversata acum in Golful Mexic:si, cumulat, de 50 de ori cantitatea deversata de petrol a companiei ExxonValdez in Alaska; in regiune durata medie a vietii a ajuns la 40 ani din cauza poluarii;

2.Catastrofa ecologica cu daune mult mai mari decat cea din Golful Mexic,provocata de deversarea de petrol si deseuri a Chevron in Amazon- zona Ecuadorului, in padurile tropicale, ,pt care s-au spalat pe maini cu 40 mil dolari despagubiri

cancer rates are statistically higher in the oil producing village of San Carlos than should be expected.

3. si cel mai mare dezastru ecologic, cel din Bhopal, al companiei - evident - americane,Union Carbide- care a afectat jumatate de milion de oameni, plus zeci de mii de morti, si pentru care nu si-a asumat responsabilitatea, platind dupa multi ani , doar 470 mil dolari, printr-un acord cu guvernul indian.

Bhopal gas victims hold wanted posters of former Union Carbide chairman Warren Anderson


marți, 8 iunie 2010

China- Satele cancerului

Un scurt filmulet despre partea nevazuta a dezvoltarii economice a Chinei: sute de "sate ale cancerului", pline de bolnavi, datorate poluarii devastatoare, in special a surselor de apa:

duminică, 6 iunie 2010

The machine in our heads, by Glenn Parton


The environmental crisis consists of the deterioration and outright destruction of micro and macro ecosystems worldwide, entailing the elimination of countless numbers of wild creatures from the air, land, and sea, with many species being pushed to the brink of extinction, and into extinction. People who passively allow this to happen, not to mention those who actively promote it for economic or other reasons, are already a good distance down the road to insanity. Most people do not see, understand, or care very much about this catastrophe of the planet because they are overwhelmingly preoccupied with grave psychological problems. The environmental crisis is rooted in the psychological crisis of the modern individual. This makes the search for an eco-psychology crucial; we must understand better what terrible thing is happening to the modern human mind, why it is happening, and what can be done about it.

Deep Thinking

The solution to the global environmental crisis we face today depends far less on the dissemination of new information than it does on the re-emergence into consciousness of old ideas. Primitive ideas or tribal ideas, kinship, solidarity, community, direct democracy, diversity, harmony with nature provide the framework or foundation of any rational or sane society. Today, these primal ideas, gifts of our ancestral heritage, are blocked from entering consciousness. The vast majority of modern people cannot see the basic truths that our ancient ancestors knew and that we must know again, about living within the balance of nature. We are lost in endless political debates, scientific research, and compromises because what is self-evident to the primitive mind has been forgotten.

vineri, 4 iunie 2010

efectele civilizatiei umane...

cateva fotografii suprinse pe tarmul unei insule din largul coastelor Louisianei, USA, in urma scurgerii de petrol din instalatiile British comment

vineri, 26 martie 2010

Sa salvam Rosia Montana !

Extrem de coruptul si putred de bogatul ministru al Economiei, Adriean Videanu, considera ca, daca in acest an nu se ia o decizie in legatura cu Rosia Montana, proiectul poate fi compromis, relateaza Agerpres. 'Eu cred ca orice ministru al Economiei are obligatia sa sustina un astfel de proiect', a declarat Adriean Videanu, in timpul unei vizite la Rosia Montana.

'Eu stiu si care este starea de spirit. Este vorba si de starea de spirit care este in jurul acestui proiect pe pietele unde proiectul este listat. A inceput sa existe un semn de intrebare, de neincredere asupra proiectului, de aceea autoritatile statului trebuie sa ia o decizie', a precizat Videanu.

Videanu spune ca ''proiectul nu trebuie blocat administrativ'', pentru ca astfel ''s-ar slabi increderea potentialilor investitori in aceste resurse minerale in Romania''.

Pai... luam o decizie anul asta. Decidem ca vrem munti acoperiti de paduri si nu halde de steril si decidem ca vrem rauri curate si nu scurgeri de cianuri.
Mai decidem ca putem sa ne dezvoltam economic si prin alte metode decat distrugand natura.
Cred ca Videanu devine cel mai odios ministru al actualului Cabinet !
A iti exploata altii aurul e ca si cum iti fura banii din buzunar ! Opera maestrului Dan Ioan Popescu de distrugere si aservire a Romaniei capitalului strain trebuie sa se opreasca ! Nu o mai continuati opera DIP si la capitolul resurse minerale,deja o continuati cu spor in energetica.

Proiectul e compromis? Sau spaga? Că aurul va sta bine mersi acolo şi o mie de ani. Iar mătăluţă ca ministru de economie mai bine ai vedea de ce nu merge absorţia fondurilor europene, ca acolo pierdem 2.000 de milioane de euro (2 miliarde), nu 280 milioane cât am "câştiga" la Roşia.

Numai în ultimii 3 ani am ratat fonduri de 6 miliarde, mult mai mult decat ar ieşi din 14 ani de exploatare a aurului şi fără toate efectele nefaste.Aşa că vezi de ce funcţionarii matale de la minister iau sporul de fonduri europene dar joacă solitaire toată ziua şi mai lasă spăgile. Ne-ţi vândut tot ce se putea, ne-aţi băgat şi în datorii pentru zeci de ani, măcar munţii nu ni-i vindeţi!

Daca tot este criza si nu aveti ce face, nu sunt firme, nu sunt mariri de salarii, daca tot fluiera vantul prin buget... ia gasiti ceva interesant de trecut timpul: uitati-va pe privatizarile cu care statul a binecuvantat deja Romania: cum merg? ce a mai ramas din Petrom, de pilda, si ce o sa mai ramana dupa ce eficienta austriaca va fi ros si ultimul oscior? Ce se intampla prin afacerile noastre "nationale", gen Petromidia, si in buzunarele tatucului Patriciu? ce farame au ramas din fabricile facute bucati? unde bantuie spectrele fabricilor si industriilor desfiintate?buuun... acuma, cu documentarea facuta, incercati sa aflati de ce lucrurile nu au mers bine in cazurile susmentionate. cum de Petromul nu zbarnaie? cum de avem someri si importam ce inainte produceam noi? cum de am convertit salariile celor acum someri in vile si influenta?
Daca dati caramida dupa caramida la o parte, o sa ajungeti la aceea "din capul unghiului" - invariabil, numele ei este coruptie. Bun, aici e si cheia analogiei noastre: ia uitati-va sa nu aveti banisori "rmgc" rataciti prin buzunare. Ca noi suntem siguri ca procesul bine-cunoscut se va repeta si in cazul rmgc.
Cat despre noi, o sa luam partea buna din declaratia dumneavoastra si o sa asteptam sa treaca o data si 2010.