The world is like a ride in an amusement park and when we choose to go on it we think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. We can change it any time we want. All we need is the choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings or money - just a choice - right now - between fear & love. - Bill Hicks (1961 - 1994 R.I.P.)
Fiintele umane cele mai fericite nu poseda mare lucru, ele sunt. G. Mallasz
All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
There was a time when I prayed to Jesus Christ.
sâmbătă, 29 mai 2010
luni, 24 mai 2010
Greatest gunfight of the century
Greatest standoff ever. One of the best ending ever, a great classic movie.This is THE MOVIE
Lee Van Cleef was awesome, a human gargoyle. It's amazing the bird cawing in the distance during the the pause in the music, great sound editing.
Lee Van Cleef died in '89 of a heart attack. He also was a wonderful artist. He mostly painted landscapes. He was terrific in the movie "The Big Gundown". He was the star. He was once no. 1 box office star in Europe. He made quite a few "spaghetti westerns" there.
Lee Van Cleef lost the tip of that finger while making a doll house for his daughter. He made many movies, was in plenty of tv shows. Clint Eastwood actually gave Lee the nickname "Angel Eyes".
Greatest standoff ever. One of the best ending ever, a great classic movie.This is THE MOVIE
Lee Van Cleef was awesome, a human gargoyle. It's amazing the bird cawing in the distance during the the pause in the music, great sound editing.
Lee Van Cleef died in '89 of a heart attack. He also was a wonderful artist. He mostly painted landscapes. He was terrific in the movie "The Big Gundown". He was the star. He was once no. 1 box office star in Europe. He made quite a few "spaghetti westerns" there.
Lee Van Cleef lost the tip of that finger while making a doll house for his daughter. He made many movies, was in plenty of tv shows. Clint Eastwood actually gave Lee the nickname "Angel Eyes".

Abolirea muncii- Bob Black
Nimeni nu ar trebui să muncească vreodată.
Munca este sursa aproape tuturor nenorocirilor din lume. Aproape orice rău poţi numi deriva din muncă sau din traiul într-o lume concepută pentru muncă. Pentru a nu mai suferi, trebuie să ne oprim din a mai munci.
Asta nu înseamnă că trebuie să ne oprim din a mai face orice. Înseamna că trebuie să creem un nou mod de viaţă bazat pe joacă ; cu alte cuvinte, o revoluţie ludică. Prin „joacă” înţeleg de asemenea festivităţi, creativitate, convieţuire, comensalitate şi poate chiar şi arta. Există mai multe în joacă comparativ cu joaca unui copil, oricât de valoroasă ar fi aceasta. Fac un apel către o aventură colectivă de o bucurie generalizată şi de o exuberanţă interdependentă nestingherită. Joaca nu este pasivă. Fără îndoială că toţi avem nevoie de mai mult timp pentru trândăvie completă decât avem acum la dispoziţie, indiferent de venit sau ocupaţie, dar odată ce ne vom reveni din epuizarea indusă de slujba, aproape toţi vom vrea să acţionam.
Viaţa ludică este total incompatibilă cu realitatea existentă. Cu atât mai rău pentru „realitate” , acea gaură-neagră ce absoarbe toată vitalitatea din puţinul vieţii ce încă se deosebeşte de simpla supravieţuire. În mod curios - sau poate nu - toate vechile ideologii sunt conservatoare prin credinţa lor în muncă. Unele din ele, precum marxismul şi multe ramuri ale anarhismului, cred în muncă cu atât mai puternic, deoarece cred atât de puţin în altceva.
Munca este sursa aproape tuturor nenorocirilor din lume. Aproape orice rău poţi numi deriva din muncă sau din traiul într-o lume concepută pentru muncă. Pentru a nu mai suferi, trebuie să ne oprim din a mai munci.
Asta nu înseamnă că trebuie să ne oprim din a mai face orice. Înseamna că trebuie să creem un nou mod de viaţă bazat pe joacă ; cu alte cuvinte, o revoluţie ludică. Prin „joacă” înţeleg de asemenea festivităţi, creativitate, convieţuire, comensalitate şi poate chiar şi arta. Există mai multe în joacă comparativ cu joaca unui copil, oricât de valoroasă ar fi aceasta. Fac un apel către o aventură colectivă de o bucurie generalizată şi de o exuberanţă interdependentă nestingherită. Joaca nu este pasivă. Fără îndoială că toţi avem nevoie de mai mult timp pentru trândăvie completă decât avem acum la dispoziţie, indiferent de venit sau ocupaţie, dar odată ce ne vom reveni din epuizarea indusă de slujba, aproape toţi vom vrea să acţionam.
Viaţa ludică este total incompatibilă cu realitatea existentă. Cu atât mai rău pentru „realitate” , acea gaură-neagră ce absoarbe toată vitalitatea din puţinul vieţii ce încă se deosebeşte de simpla supravieţuire. În mod curios - sau poate nu - toate vechile ideologii sunt conservatoare prin credinţa lor în muncă. Unele din ele, precum marxismul şi multe ramuri ale anarhismului, cred în muncă cu atât mai puternic, deoarece cred atât de puţin în altceva.

citatele zilei
The world is full of people who stopped listening to themselves" - Joseph Campbell
"Every time we choose safety, we reinforce fear."
- Cheri Huber
The whites were always trying to make the Indians give up their life and live like the white men - go to farming, work hard and do as they did - and the Indians did not know how to do that, and did not want to anyway….If the Indians had tried to make the whites live like them, the whites would have resisted, and it was the same with many Indians.
Wamditanka (Big Eagle) of the Santee Sioux
"Our wise men are called Fathers, and they truly sustain that character. Do you call yourselves Christians? Does the religion of Him who you call your Savior inspire your spirit, and guide your practices? Surely not. It is recorded of him that a bruised reed he never broke. Cease then to call yourselves Christians, lest you declare to the world your hypocrisy. Cease too to call other nations savage, when you are tenfold more the children of cruelty than they. No person among us desires any other reward for performing a brave and worthwhile action, but the consciousness of having served his nation. I bow to no man for I am considered a prince among my own people. But I will gladly shake your hand."
Joseph Brant to King George III
Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), Mohawk - 1742-1807
"Every time we choose safety, we reinforce fear."
- Cheri Huber
The whites were always trying to make the Indians give up their life and live like the white men - go to farming, work hard and do as they did - and the Indians did not know how to do that, and did not want to anyway….If the Indians had tried to make the whites live like them, the whites would have resisted, and it was the same with many Indians.
Wamditanka (Big Eagle) of the Santee Sioux
"Our wise men are called Fathers, and they truly sustain that character. Do you call yourselves Christians? Does the religion of Him who you call your Savior inspire your spirit, and guide your practices? Surely not. It is recorded of him that a bruised reed he never broke. Cease then to call yourselves Christians, lest you declare to the world your hypocrisy. Cease too to call other nations savage, when you are tenfold more the children of cruelty than they. No person among us desires any other reward for performing a brave and worthwhile action, but the consciousness of having served his nation. I bow to no man for I am considered a prince among my own people. But I will gladly shake your hand."
Joseph Brant to King George III
Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), Mohawk - 1742-1807

duminică, 23 mai 2010
citatul zilei...despre libertatea de exprimare
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
-- Noam Chomsky
-- Noam Chomsky

vineri, 21 mai 2010
Nassim Haramein - live at Rogue Valley
O prezentare despre hiperspatiu - si dincolo de el.
O odisee fascinanta despre natura fundamentala a universului si creatiei, ce include gauri negre, forte gravitationale, dimensiuni, si structura insasi a spatiului, dar si discutii despre texte si monumente ale civilizatiilor antice, biologie, chimie, si rolul primordial al constiintei.
O odisee fascinanta despre natura fundamentala a universului si creatiei, ce include gauri negre, forte gravitationale, dimensiuni, si structura insasi a spatiului, dar si discutii despre texte si monumente ale civilizatiilor antice, biologie, chimie, si rolul primordial al constiintei.

joi, 20 mai 2010
miercuri, 19 mai 2010
Adrian Salbuchi - Second Republic
In this two part video, Adrian Salbuchi from Argentina, recaps on the goals and mechanisms of the New World Order Power Elite to consolidate their total control over all peoples, in order to erect a World Government.
He proposes how to mitigate and neutralize their Global War on Freedom by making a case on the need for "We, The People..." to refound a Second Republic; to take back National Soveignty.
This, however, necessarily begins with each of us assuming responsibility by taking back our own Personal Sovereignty.
He proposes how to mitigate and neutralize their Global War on Freedom by making a case on the need for "We, The People..." to refound a Second Republic; to take back National Soveignty.
This, however, necessarily begins with each of us assuming responsibility by taking back our own Personal Sovereignty.

citatul zilei...despre natura realitatii

Viata de zi cu zi pe care o percepem cu cele 5 simturi nu este realitate.Fizica cuantica a arata deja ca spatiul si timpul sunt iluzii ale perceptiilor noastre si prin urmare, corpurile nostre fizice nu pot fi cu adevarat reale, din moment ce ocupa acest spatiu..
Constiinta noastra adevarata nu exista in creierele sau corpurile noastre.."

joi, 13 mai 2010
citatul zilei...despre impozite
"If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible."
- Henry David Thoreau
- Henry David Thoreau

miercuri, 12 mai 2010
marți, 11 mai 2010
citatul zilei...despre banci
"It is well enough that people ... do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
- Henry Ford, American industrial
- Henry Ford, American industrial

luni, 10 mai 2010
"Harnicia" americanilor
Un filmulet haios despre "harnicia" americanilor, si nu numai...asta apropos de ce ni se serveste in ultima perioada in mass-media despre "harnicia" grecilor, cum ca ar fi principala cauza a crizei in care au intrat:

sâmbătă, 8 mai 2010
marți, 4 mai 2010
citatele zilei
"The herd instinct among economists makes sheep look like independent thinkers."
Jim Sinclair: “Let’s cut the crap. The US deficit is 10.3% of GDP. If the US was part of the EU there would be a call for them to be thrown out, just like Greece. Regardless, the rating agencies and media plow on with the public following them like the sheeples they are.”
Jim Sinclair: “Let’s cut the crap. The US deficit is 10.3% of GDP. If the US was part of the EU there would be a call for them to be thrown out, just like Greece. Regardless, the rating agencies and media plow on with the public following them like the sheeples they are.”

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